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The Kitwe Plant Science Research Centre houses the Plant Science Research programme, and is currently implementing research in 4 active projects (Plant Tissue Culture Technology, Pineapple, Cassava improvement project, Jatropha and Eucalyptus projects).
Our Projects
Plant Tissue Culture Technology is using the micro propagation technique in various crops such as Cassava, Bananas, Pineapple, Sweet Potatoes, Eucalyptus, Artemisia, Potatoes, and Sugarcane. Activities in this research category include development of protocols for regeneration of whole plants from plant cells or tissue cultures, rapid multiplication of plants and conservation of germplasm of different crops. Primary “Explants are prepared from desirable mother plants and cleaned thoroughly using prescribed and recommended chemicals to ensure sterility and healthy whole plants regenerated”.
Pineapple Project is being implemented in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and farmers in Mwinilunga and Ikelenge districts. The aim of the project is to improve yield, fruit quality and maturity. The project also compares the general performance of tissue cultured pineapple plants against conventional plants.
Cassava Improvement project is a plant breeding project. Mutation breeding technique is being exploited for the development of new varieties of cassava. Field trials are being conducted in Mansa and at the Centre in Kitwe.
Consultancy services to stakeholders especially farmers in plant protection that include disease and insect pest diagnosis and control in different crops.Consultancy with respect to agronomic issues in various crops including natural products. Seedling production of bananas, pineapples and pines.
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