The National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (NISIR) has made a place for itself as a premier research institute nationally, regionally and internationally. I am glad to be part of this important organization at a time when Zambia is emphasizing the importance of research and development as well as innovation for socio-economic development of our country. Scientific research, technology development and innovations are getting strong support from the Zambian Government.

We are in the process of reviewing our past achievements and preparing for our future with plans to create several specialized centers of excellence and link our research products to technology developers and users. In formulating our research agenda and defining our priorities, we will look more closely at our national needs and ways to address them. The process of change will cover our focus areas, our organization structure and our mode of operation. Knowledge base with regard to its research programmes in Post Harvest Food Processing and Nutrition, Livestock Diseases and Productivity, Water resources and Environment, Sustainable utilization of genetic resources, Nuclear Energy Application and Materials Research programmes.

In order to remain visible to its environment, NISIR will endeavor to improve its Information management through effective utilization of Information Communication Technology (ICT). It will also seek to optimize available resources and take advantage of every opportunity whilst maintaining a balanced ecosystem with stakeholders and cooperating partners.

The main mandate of NISIR as set out in Section 4, Sub-regulation (1) of Statutory Instrument No. 73 of 1998, is to conduct and promote scientific, technological and industrial research in the fields of food science, engineering, nuclear science, textile technology, biotechnology, energy resources, water resources, industrial chemistry, animal production, material science natural products and Information communication Technology.                   

To undertake scientific, technological and industrial research effectively and efficiently in order to address needs of the industry and promote